Monday, July 13, 2009


Hello! My name is Simone Dvoskin, and I'm an incoming sophomore at Novato High School. This summer, I took an ROP/STC Internship class sponsored by the Marin County Office of Education. I interned at the Law Office of Matthew Pavone, where I worked as a legal assistant. This blog is one of the final projects in the class course, where I'm documenting what I did at the law office, what I learned at my internship, and what I will take away with this experience.

I have learned so much from this internship. I've learned about an attorney's duties, what goes on in a professional office, and how a small business functions. I've also gained a few skills from being an intern, such as learning how to make labels, how to copy documents, and how to send faxes.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent summary of your experience during the internship. Your writing skills are very good. They will serve you well if you do pursue a career in the law. Congratulations on a job well done! - Matt Pavone
