Hello! My name is Simone Dvoskin, and I'm an incoming sophomore at Novato High School. This summer, I took an ROP/STC Internship class sponsored by the Marin County Office of Education. I interned at the Law Office of Matthew Pavone, where I worked as a legal assistant. This blog is one of the final projects in the class course, where I'm documenting what I did at the law office, what I learned at my internship, and what I will take away with this experience.
I have learned so much from this internship. I've learned about an attorney's duties, what goes on in a professional office, and how a small business functions. I've also gained a few skills from being an intern, such as learning how to make labels, how to copy documents, and how to send faxes.
Excellent summary of your experience during the internship. Your writing skills are very good. They will serve you well if you do pursue a career in the law. Congratulations on a job well done! - Matt Pavone